Sunday, January 17, 2010

Descendant of Apes

Scientists concluded the genetic similarity between humans and apes is somewhere in the neighborhood of 98 to 99 percent. A mere 2 percent differentiate the appearance and intelligence of the 2 species.

It all started after Charles Darwin's proposal that we humans descended from the apes.

But this small genetic difference makes humans damn superstitious.
And religious as well.
Have you ever see a monkey praying to a dead one? Or an ape offering bananas to a dead relative?

It also set humans apart from the rest of the animal kingdom by our ability to talk, write, construct a 880 metre building and dig for gold.

Dr. Mary Claire King and Drs C. G. Sibley and J. E. Ahlquist of San Francisco State University did an experiment over 20 years ago and concluded that Darwin is right- we are indeed chimpanzees.

If the chimpanzees and humans have almost 99 per cent genomic identity, why do we not use the body parts of chimps for organ transplant?

A striking similarity is humans and apes go to war over territorial turf. And over a mate too.

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