Thursday, June 5, 2014

It's Summer

Flowers blooming everywhere.

The Heliconia Hirsuta Chumaniana.

Heliconias are native mostly to South America.

They belong to the Heliconiaceae family, which has more than 200 species.

Also blooming beautifully are the Heliconia Amercian Dwarfs.

American Dwarf have orange, black tipped flowers


  1. Beautiful exotic Heloconias...wish you could take a close up on the flowers so that I could see which one of the Heloconia this was. Singapore with it's sudden rains and tropical climate is so conducive for Heliconias that some of them even bloom throughout the year there...especially the Hybrid varieties. This one thanks for sharing...maybe this one blooms in the summers as u say. :)

  2. Thanks a ton for giving the name...Heliconia hirsuta chumaniana. I Googled and saw the flowers...they are beautiful. Seeing them first time because here in India I have only seen three varieties of it. One the hybrid called Heliconia marginata, another Heliconia latispatha and the most common that one which is commonly known as lobsters claw. Thanx to you I know this summer blooming one. :)
