Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Which Way North ?

Sabine Begall of the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany and colleagues caused quite a stir when they studied 8,510 Google Earth satellite images of cattle and deer herds and found that whether grazing or resting, these animals face either magnetic North or South.

Herdsmen and hunters have long known that cattle and sheep tend to face the same direction when grazing, but had believed they were simply positioning themselves according to prevailing winds or the sun's rays.

How did the ancient chinese knew about the magnetic waves ? Many millions of people have learned and practiced qigong in its many thousand year history and thought to be created at least 7,000 years ago. When exercising, they face either North or South, in line with the earth's magnetic field. Alignment in this direction is simply attuning yourself to the earth's rhythm, to nature itself.

What about feng shui ? It originated more than 3000 years ago.
And this was before the magnetic compass was invented.

The earliest document about feng shui is found in the Three Kingdom period. In one section it read: "The needle points Kan-Li determining the starting and ending locations of yin and yang."
Kan is the trigram in the north and Li is the trigram in the south.

The army boys no longer need to solely depend on the Southern Cross to find their way to base. They now have the cows.

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