Saturday, July 2, 2011

To Your Good Health

1. High Blood Pressure is pysiological, not a disease. A forebearing heart will cure the symptom.

2. To protect your liver, get enough sleep, avoid anger and stay positive.

3. Leg cramp is caused by lack of calcium and electrolyte. Take milk, beans,and bananas.

4. If you maintain the six moods - Calm, Relax, Happy, Kind, Amicable, Joyful, you will be healthy and well.

5. Smokers should eat more red grapes to prevent lung cancer.

6. To prevent heart disease and stroke, eat more egg plant which is rich in anthocyanin.

7. Watermelon prevents prostate cancer. The lycopene lures cancer cells to self destruct.

8. Shiitake mushrooms help back pain.

9. The vitamins in chestnuts are good for lowering dementia risks.

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